Keep Kids Engaged

Quality ready-to-go speech activities with custom therapy plans for articulation and language skills. No more bored kids!


Speech activities that can be used effectively for both in-person therapy and virtual green-screen therapy. A hybrid-program!

Our Mission

To minimize planning and set-up time for speech pathologists, teachers and parents while maximizing a child's therapy time.

Our Philosophy

Speech Pathologists, Teachers and Parents want the BEST Speech Therapy possible; Speech Therapy that MOTIVATES changes and stirs an inner desire for COMMUNICATIVE POWER. We believe Speech Therapy should be EXCITING and FUN, yet CHALLENGING enough to produce QUICK, LASTING RESULTS. Speech Therapy that SETS A CHILD FREE! We are “THE SPEECH SOLUTION.” NEW. FRESH. INNOVATIVE. We have done all of the work for you. We have everything children need to take flight and soar!


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Shipping & Fulfillment: Your product will ship within 3 business days of purchase. The Speech Solution, LLC is located in the USA.